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If any one word describes the American landscape at the present moment, it's "uncertainty." The national shutdown over the corona virus pandemic has left leaders everywhere facing uncertain futures for their people and their organization.
The pressures of leading in times of uncertainty can take a toll on the emotional well-being of any leader — especially when the uncertainty becomes protracted with no definite end date in sight.
Talking lately with leaders, managers, and business owners, I've come to realize that they could profit from five lessons which I learned in one of my earliest leadership roles. In that role, I had to cope with unbroken uncertainty for four years. In this episode I share five lessons which I learned from one of my earliest leadership roles. In that role, I had to cope with unbroken uncertainty for four years.
In this episode I share five lessons which I carried away from that experience:
Leadership in the Corona Pandemic and Beyond: Five Things to Get Right